Hurricane Katrina vs. the Attack on 9/11
I thought it would have been appropriate to write this post ON 9/11/06, but thanks to procrastination I have unfortunatly chimed in a couple of hours too late. My bad. After seeing past my prototypical "college student" behavior, I question which event is considered to be worse in the eyes of our peers: Hurricane Katrina or the Attack on 9/11...
Hurricane Katrina: I always wanted to go to New Orleans and celebrate Mardi Gras, but now I can't. So thanks for that. Yea, sure it'll be rebuilt, but odds are it won't be the same. Also, thanks a million for conicidentally causing gas prices to rise, in some places, to well over $3 a gallon. Finally, good job killing an estimated multiple thousands of people. You, Ms. Katrina, are a ruthless bitch...and you smell too.
The Attack on 9/11: Whats with all the drama? Hijacked planes crash into two of the worlds tallest buildings causing them to blow up and inevitably collapse, resulting in the deaths of thousands, as well as widespread panic across the entire United States. Someone get Steven Spielberg on the phone, pronto.
Conclusion: This is a tough one. Basically, both can obviously be considered a calamity by all of mankind, unless you're a little tweaked in the head of course. Death and destruction are always percieved as events of tragic proportions, whether occuring over a massive population or on a personal level.
Honorably disregarding the casualty and destructive heights of each catastrophy, one must consider more so the reasons of why these events happened. Katrina was a hurricane; a massive, unstoppable force of nature. Unfortunatly, there's one terrorist that is easy to predict, yet impossible to find: Mother Nature.
Moving away from our supernatural enemies, the events of 9/11 are a result of people killing people. Call me crazy, but we, as a human beings, should have the common sense to know that you don't go around crashing planes into buildings and killing people. This type of behavior usually tends to piss a lot of people off.
In conclusion, both caused death, both caused destruction, but one was much easier to prevent. The Attack on 9/11 was completly out of line and totally unacceptable. Those who condone, promote, or engage in the crashing of planes into buildings, causing the death of thousands and widespread panic, should clearly be ashamed of themselves.
Very good job!
I completely agree with you opinion on the hurricane vs. 9/11. In my eyes 9/11 was the more easily preventable disaster there’s nothing you can do about a hurricane but try to evacuate people. The attack that occurred on 9/11 was a ridiculous form of hatred, while the hurricane was unstoppable. I’m not saying that 9/11 was something that could have been stopped but I am saying that it was uncalled for. I am from New York and I feel for the victims of hurricane Katrina. Victims is one thing that that both these two disasters have in common. After the initial shock of a fatal occurrence like this society as well as out government needs to step back and deal with the most important thing the victims of the disasters. Living in New York seeing head on the magnitude of 9/11 I feel deeply sorry for the victims of Katrina. – Good Choice of comparisons!
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