Monday, November 21, 2005

The Simpsons vs. Family Guy

Once upon a time, a man named Matt Groening invented the Simpsons and America was quickly blown away. As the years rolled on, several other animated sitcoms hit primetime television. Beavis and Butthead "did" America, Ren and Stimpy played around with childish potty humor, and the kids of South Park made fun of Jesus, Terry Schiavo, Michael Jackson, as well as countless other controversial topics. Overall, the new era of animated sitcoms have all proven themselves to be habitual "line steppers" through the eyes of certain viewers, like moms who just aren't cool. Though nowadays, the phrase "funny as hell" is taken to a new level when you mix in a little thing called, "genius." Eventually, the sound of flatulence starts to seem "so fifteen years ago" and our educated, mature minds realize that its all about TV's two favorite suburban families of five (plus dog, sorry Brian): the Simpsons and the Griffins of Family Guy.

Family Guy
Leave it to the Fox Network to cancel one of the most hysterical shows on television. Luckily for America, the Griffins came back from the dead for a forth season. Though, if you want to fire Seth Green and the guy who draws Chris (the fat kid that looks kind of like a van), that would be terrific. Giggidy-giggidy...giggidy-goo.

The Simpsons
Currently the longest airing sitcom and animated series in the history of television, the Simpsons have gained the distinction of true royalty. King Homer and Queen Marge; imagine a tiarra atop Marge's big, blue, body-pillow -looking head of hair. In all seriousness though, how funny would it be if Barney magically came to life and...oh wait, he already has. He now appears on MTV's Viva La Bam and calls himself Don Vito.

I will always have unconditional respect and sincere appreciation for the Simpsons and the messages they have sent to the American viewers over the past sixteen years. I grew up with that show and it will always have a special place in my heart. Amazingly, it took a decade and half for any show to come remotely close to the Simpsons.

With this said, I must admit that I consider Family Guy the upgrade for the Simpsons. Family Guy has you laughing from start to finish because the frequency of jokes and one liners by the cast is astonishing. Furthermore, the writers of Family Guy focus on a diverse selection of material, from politics, celebrity gossip, current events, to other more "outlandish" satires and parodies. I know its hard to admit, but the fact of the matter is simple...Family Guy is funnier then the Simpsons (with all due respect).

Years of thanks to the Simpsons, whose name will forever fly through the animated sky. May it one day fly over the animated skies of Quahog, reminding us that we're all 'lucky there's a Family Guy.'


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